Renting an allotment

Apply for an allotment

There is a waiting list to rent allotments in Welwyn Hatfield.

You must be a Welwyn Hatfield resident for your application to be accepted.

Before you apply to join the waiting list

Check our allotment locations and amenities.

You should also check how much it costs to rent an allotment to be sure it’s affordable for you.

If you receive an offer of an allotment and choose to accept it, you will need to familiarise yourself with your responsibilities as an allotment tenant.

Apply for an allotment

To join our waiting list to rent an allotment call 01707 357 329 or email us at

You will need to tell us your:

  • allotment site preferences
  • existing allotment details (if applicable)

After you apply

Once you apply we will:

  • review your application within 3 working days
  • contact you to tell you if your application has been successful
  • add you to the waiting list
  • contact you again when a suitable allotment becomes available