Appeal Against a Decision

Appeal a decision about benefits

If you are unhappy with a decision we have made about your benefits you can appeal to an independent appeal tribunal.

After you have made your claim for benefit, you will receive a 'decision notice'. If you think a decision we have made about your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction is wrong, you can:

  1. Ask us to explain our decision.
  2. If you think our decision is wrong, you can ask us to look at it again. This is called a 'revision'.
  3. Ask for an independent tribunal to look at our decision.

Time limit to making an appeal

You have one month of the date on the decision notice to appeal.

You may be able to appeal after this if there are special circumstances such as serious illness. You should contact us as soon as possible if this is the case.

Make an appeal

To appeal a decision contact the Benefits Team.

Who can make an appeal

Only the tenant can appeal the amount of benefits they get. If we reduce a tenant's benefit to recover money owing on a previous address, the current landlord cannot appeal.

Benefits Services

Address: Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Offices
Campus East
The Campus
Welwyn Garden City

Telephone: 0333 034 3014