Community safety support services

Safety support services

Always call 999 in an emergency situation.

Organisation Contact details

Non-urgent report to the Hertfordshire Constabulary      


WHBC Anti-Social Behaviour enforcement

01707 357706

WHBC Environmental Health (including noise nuisance)

01707 357242

Friday and Saturday nights 10pm to 3am : 0800 111 4484

WHBC Environmental Service (including fly-tipping)

01707 357000

Crimestoppers (to give information anonymously)

0800 555111

Hertfordshire domestic abuse helpline

08088 088088
Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (request a free Safe and Well visit)    

0800 587 3347

Local Neighbourhood Watch
NSPCC (if you're worried about a child, professional councillors are available 24/7 for help, advice and support)

0808 800 5000

NSPCC (if you're 18 and under and need support)

0800 1111

Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) (to report adult safeguarding concerns)

Safer Places is an independent charity which provides a comprehensive range of services to men, women and children affected by domestic and sexual abuse who live in Hertfordshire. This includes refuge across Hertfordshire.

03301 025811

24 hour line for refuge support and advice