Housing stock condition survey

More information about the survey

Q - Why are you doing this survey?

A - The survey is to allow the council to plan future investment that will aim to improve energy efficiency and ensure that your homes are maintained properly.


Q – How long will the survey take?

A – Although each property is different, the surveys are expected to take between 30 – 60 minutes.


Q - What will the surveyor be looking at in my home?

A - The surveyor will need to look at the inside and outside of your house (or internal and external / communal areas of the block if a dwelling is a flat), which will include taking photographs.  This will include access to your loft if you have one. These are non-invasive surveys that are looking at the condition of the structure and installations such as bathrooms and kitchens.


Q - What will happen if I don’t want my home to be included in the survey?

A - The asset condition survey is vital to inform our future investment programme.  It is important that we hold up-to-date data on each of the properties, should you require more information or have any questions, please contact us on 0800 111 4484.


Q - What if I am out when the surveyor attends?

A - If you are out the surveyor will leave a calling card for you to call him/her to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.


Q - How will I know it is Savills?

A - The surveyor will have a Savills ID badge, a letter from the council authorising that person to conduct the survey and be wearing Savills branded clothing.

Please call 0800 111 4484 if you have any concerns.  The surveyor will not be offended in any way.


Q - Can the surveyor access my property if I am not there?

A - No, the surveyor will require access to your home


Q - Can I report repairs to the surveyor?

A - No, if you need to report a repair to us, please do so in the usual way by contacting us on 0800 111 4484.


Q - I am still waiting to hear about a recently reported repair.

A - If you have recently contacted us about a repair and have not heard anything yet, please contact us on 0800 111 4484.


Q - What will happen after the survey?

A - The council will use the data collected to plan future programmes of work and ensure your home is a safe environment for you to live in.


Q - Will I be able to see a copy of the survey?

A – No, the data we collect will be amalgamated onto our system to allow us to plan packages of works for our Planned Works Team.