
Make a complaint

We are committed to always providing a high quality service which meets the needs of our customers. We appreciate though that customers may sometimes want to complain.

A complaint may be raised by anyone who believes they have been affected by the council's action (or lack of action) or by the standard of a council service. This may be services delivered directly by the council or another organisation delivering services on the council's behalf.

Complaint categories

Our complaints policy classifies a complaint as:

  • Incorrect or poor delivery of a service.
  • Failure of council staff to follow the correct policy or procedure.
  • A member of council staff (or any of our contractors or agents) behaving inappropriately.
  • Refusal of the council to provide a service which it should be providing.

Information we need

To submit a complaint, we require the following details for our investigation:

  • your personal details (including contact information)
  • a detailed explanation of your complaint
  • any supporting evidence you may have

If you are contacting us on behalf of another person, we will seek authorisation to deal with you on their behalf.

Make a complaint

Once we get your complaint we will:

  • investigate complaints quickly and effectively
  • apologise if we have made a mistake, put it right if possible, and take steps to prevent it happening again.

More help

If you need more help the Ombudsman may be able to support you with your complaint: