Supported and sheltered housing

Apply for Flexicare Sheltered Housing

FlexiCare Housing is an option if you are older or have varying care needs. You can live in your own home and the care you get can be increased or decreased as your needs change.

Flexicare housing is suitable for you if you:

  • find it hard to cope in your present accommodation.
  • you need home care services.
  • you have changing care needs.
  • you currently have few care needs but might need more in the future.

Chilton Green Sheltered Housing with FlexiCare

Chilton Green is a our Sheltered Housing Scheme, it has 85 properties. The properties include a mixture of flats and bungalows. Some of the properties have been adapted to accommodate the different needs of FlexiCare tenants.

It is located in the Panshanger area of Welwyn Garden City with access to many local services. It is close to Morrisons and near to Moors Walk shops which incude a Doctor's Surgery and Dentist.

On site Scheme Coordinator

There is an Scheme Coordinator is based at Chilton Green who works with the onsite care team.  They are usually available on site Monday to Friday.

On site care

Care staff commissioned by Herts County Council are on site during the day between 7am and 10pm. They are also available to respond to emergency situations during the night. The levels of care can increase or decrease in line with your individual changing needs, allowing you to remain in your home whilst getting the care you need. If you are a couple with different care needs, you can stay together and get the right individual care.

Potential problems can be picked up early on and we can put solutions which can mean you don't have to go into hospital. If you do have to go into hospital is necessary you may be able to come home sooner as you will have access to the right care at home.

Social events

FlexiCare can for many, be an independent home for life. Social events and outings regularly take place and all tenants are welcome to join in.

24 hour Alarm System

All properties have alarms linked to our locally based control centre. The control centre is staffed by caring and experienced operators who provide 24 hour support.


Applying to live at Chilton Green

  1. The first step is to contact Herts County Council on 0300 123 4042 for an assessment of your care needs. This will help us know what sort of care package you will require.
  2. Next, you need to join the Housing Needs Register waiting list. Make sure you tell us that you have contacted Health and Community Services in the 'Support needs' section of the application. You should also say on the form that you would like to move to Chilton Green.
  3. When a property is available it will be advertised on your Housing Application Account for you to apply (bid) for. We can bid on your behalf if you ask us.
  4. If you are successful the Scheme Manager and Care Manager will visit you to carry out an assessment to make sure we can meet your needs at Chilton Green.