Pay your Council Tax by cheque

Pay by cheque

Make your cheque payable to 'Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council'. Add your reference number on the back.

You can make Cheque payments at:

To pay by cheque at a PayPoint Outlet or the Post Office, you need to have a PayPoint card that's linked to your council tax account.

You can aks for a PayPoint card by contacting us on 01707 357 000. This is a free service.

Posting a cheque

You can also post your cheque to our council offices.

If you need a receipt you must include your instalment sheet.

Do not send us cash by post.

Council Tax Services

Please quote your account number when contacting us. If you are contacting us on someone else's behalf, we must have either written or verbal consent from the account holder.

Address: Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Offices
Campus East
The Campus
Welwyn Garden City

Telephone: 0333 034 3014