The Mayor
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The Mayor - Councillor Frank Marsh

About The Mayor
Councillor Frank Marsh is the Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council for the municipal year 2024 – 2025.
View the Mayor's upcoming events.
Councillor Frank Marsh was the Deputy Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council for the municipal year 2023-2024 and is Mayor of the borough 2024-2025.
Frank originally came to work for a local firm of solicitors in 1995 and moved to Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire in 2003 where he has lived with his wife and children, who have grown up here.
Frank started his career as a Solicitors clerk aged 17 and over the years qualified as a legal executive, specialising in personal injury law and general litigation. He has helped people all his life in many different ways, making a difference, especially to those who suffered catastrophic injuries for whom he has acted.
As a child and teenager, he used to help elderly people with their shopping and later in life helped as a volunteer at the Citizens Advice Bureau in Hitchin, which he hopes to do again in the future. He has also been a school governor when he lived in London as well as a local primary school in his ward.
In 2017 he took voluntary redundancy, after working in law for 35 years. In 2018, he bought a café on Welwyn Garden City Station, where he still works.
Frank became a Councillor for Sherrards Ward in 2019 and was re-elected for a second term in 2023. Frank has served on various council committees previously including DMC i.e. planning, Overview & Scrutiny, Budget and Audit and has learned a great deal and is still learning.
This year as Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield, Frank is supporting the charity Herts Young Homeless.
The Mayor's role
The role has both a symbolic and practical importance:
- they are the borough's first citizen and represents Welwyn Hatfield at engagements during the year
- signs legal documents
- chairs full council meetings
- recognised representative of the council on all civic and ceremonial occasions.
Within the borough the Mayor takes precedence over everyone apart from a member of the Royal Family or the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire.
The Mayor should be non-political and must be seen to represent every section of the community regardless of political persuasion.
The role of the Mayor is to reflect the aims and strategies of the council. During most engagements the Mayor will wear the Chain and Badge of Office.
To make a donation
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council' and sent to:
The Mayor's Office
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
The Campus
Welwyn Garden City
Name of Bank Account: Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Account number: 41020900
Sort Code: 40-46-08
Reference: Mayor’s Charity Appeal
Thank you, any donations will be greatly received and will be passed directly to the Mayor’s charity at the end of the municipal year.