Report an Abandoned vehicle
In this section
Report an abandoned vehicle
Use the link below to report a vehicle that has been abandoned.
What we need to know
In order to report the abandoned vehicle, we need:
- your details
- how many days the vehicle has been in the location
- the location of the vehicle
Check if the vehicle is untaxed
It's also helpful if you're able to tell us the following information about the vehicle:
- registration number
- make
- model
- colour
Report an abandoned vehicle on private land
If you are the landowner you can write to us to report an abandoned vehicle on your land.
If you are not the land owner you need to report the vehicle to the land owner.
You need to:
- check the vehicle is untaxed
- write to us with the make, model, colour and registration number of the vehicle, along with how long it has been there.
There is a charge of £62 to cover the investigation and potential removal of each vehicle reported.
Report an untaxed vehicle
Report an untaxed vehicle to the DVLA