Local Plan
Welwyn Hatfield Adopted Local Plan - October 2023
The Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan (2016-2036) was adopted at a meeting of the Council on 12 October 2023.
The Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan now forms part of the statutory Development Plan for the Borough. This means it has full weight (together with the Hertfordshire Minerals Local Plan, the Hertfordshire Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies, and the Waste Site Allocations development plan documents and any ‘made’ neighbourhood plans for the area) in determining planning applications and development decisions within the Borough. The adopted Local Plan replaces the ‘saved’ policies from the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005.
The adopted Local Plan is available below, together with the accompanying Local Plan Policies Maps, Local Plan Adoption Statement, and Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement.
Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan 2016-2036
Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan 2016-2036 Policies Maps
Please note that due to an issue with the scale there is an error with some of the pdf policies maps relating to the Peartree conservation area, which is omitted from Policy map 3 and only partially shown on Inset map 11. A web map format of many of the Local Plan policies, including the conservation areas, is available via the Council’s Community Map.
Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan Adoption Statement
Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement
Sustainability Appraisal Reports
Sustainability Appraisal Report Local Plan Addendum Further Main Modifications (EX303B)
Sustainability Appraisal Report Local Plan Addendum Main Modifications (EX297)
Sustainability Appraisal Report Local Plan Addendum (EX200)
Sustainability Appraisal Report Local Plan 2016 (SUB/3)
Inspectors Report
The Inspectors Report on the Local Plan examination can be viewed below. A hard copy of the report is available at the Council Offices, Campus East, Welwyn Garden City.
Local Plan Inspector's Report Main Modifications Appendix
All documentation relating to the Local Plan Examination is available to view on the Local Plan Examination web pages.