Contact council services
Benefits Services
Address:Business Rates Services (NNDR)
Address:Commercial Property and Garages out of hours line
We are unable to take calls for any other issue other than those included in this category.
Council Tax Services
Please quote your account number when contacting us. If you are contacting us on someone else's behalf, we must have either written or verbal consent from the account holder.
Address:Emergency out of hours contact
For emergency situations out of hours.
Electoral Services
Environmental Health
Address:Governance Services
Address:Freedom of information requests
Housing and Community Services
Human Resources
Licensing Team
Address:Museum Service
Address:Planning advice appointments
For general questions about planning you can book an appointment with the Duty Planning Officer (10 - 12 am Monday to Friday). For questions about a specific planning application contact the Case Officer. For advice about whether your planning application is likely to be approved apply for pre-application advice.
Address:Planning applications
Contact us for advice about a development proposal in a conservation area.
Planning enforcement
Planning Policy Team
Contact the Planning Policy Team for more information about the policies in Welwyn Hatfield.