Pooleys and Huggins

A consultation for parking in Pooleys and Huggins area, Welham Green began in late September 2024. Residents in the consultation roads will receive a letter via post inviting them to take part in the survey.

As part of the process consideration is given to double yellow lines on junctions to improve junction vision underpinning the Highway Code, as well as verge and footway prohibition to improve the streetscene and access for pedestrians.


Online survey

The survey ran until Sunday 17 November 2024.


Feedback Stage

We are sending a letter to all households within the consultation area addressed to the Occupier.

91 out of 219 properties  (41.6%) from within the consultation area have responded to the survey.  This met the criteria to move to next stage of consultation however your further feedback is required.  

At this stage, no decision has been agreed on parking restrictions, the below suggestions are based upon the data provided in the survey where residents expressed a prominent level of concern over parking issues & verge and footway parking.

We do require your further feedback at this stage in order to determine the way forward

After reviewing all the responses, the below sets how parking restrictions in the area could look like.

Resident permit zone

69 residences (75%) reported non-residents parking as the main issue and over 65% of those who have responded confirming the parking issues exist on weekdays only and in the morning and afternoons, to resolve this we suggest a residents permit zone Monday – Friday 10am - 3pm covering Frowick Close, Huggins Lane, Pooleys Lane & Puttocks Drive. Although no residents within Puttocks Close were in favour of a residents permit zone, due to the potential parking displacement not only from the non-residents, but possibly from nearby residents, we suggest Puttocks Close also be included within this resident’s permit zone.

For further details of resident permit schemes, including prices and how it operates please view our parking permits homepage.

Verge and Footway Prohibition Order (VFPO)

Prohibiting parking on public verges and footways throughout the area is being considered for the carriageway that is wide enough to allow parking and this covers vehicle crossovers on the public highway that are not owned by a property. We have identified some sections of highway in Frowick Close and Puttocks Close which is not wide enough to allow traffic to pass alongside wholly parked vehicles along the carriageway where a footway prohibition would not be proposed for.

Double Yellow Lines

Parking on bends and junctions was the second highest reported issue with 36 residents (40%) raising concerns. We will look to install double yellow lines on all junctions to back up the Highway Code. In addition, we will look to implement double yellow lines on some of the bend of Pooleys & Huggins Lane to allow better flow of traffic.

Plans showing the suggested ideas can be seen on the second page.

A feedback form can be accessed online.

The feedback closing date is Sunday 23 February 2025.


Next steps 

After feedback has been received, we will consider making any amendments to the above and will send a further letter outlining the next steps in Spring/Summer 2025, and will also be displayed on this webpage.