Sherrards Ward Parking Consultation

A consultation for parking in Sherrards ward began in October 2022.

Walden and Blakemere Road area

The objection period has now closed. As objections were received, it was considered along with the Parking Officer's report and recommendation at Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel on Thursday 9 November 2023. The meeting can be viewed at the following link: Agenda for Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel on Thursday 9 November 2023.

The panel voted unanimously to approve the recommendation within the report to proceed with the yellow lines and verge and footway prohibition as advertised. The permit zone was agreed to proceed, albeit with reduced days and hours Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm to take into account concerns raised by objectors.

A verge and footway prohibition for The Vineyard permit zone was also approved.



Restrictions start on Monday 1 July 2024.

Letters have been sent to residents in these roads to notify of the start date and the sealing of the Traffic Regulation Order. Permit applications will open on Monday 20 May 2024.



Sherrards Permit Zone A02 TRO

Sherrards TRO Verge Footway Prohibition February 2024


Next steps

We will look to complete the process to change restrictions in the roads, which will include installation of signs and lines in Summer 2024. 


Take part in the feedback stage

In the rest of Sherrards, we are sending out a new ideas letter for residents to consider in February 2024.

The feedback closed on Sunday 24 March.


Proposed changes

However, this is a feedback stage for your road where initial ideas are set out, as to how potential parking restrictions in your area could look like in the future. it is important to note, at this time no decisions have been made about the road you live within.

A further update will be given to residents in late Summer 2024 once the pre-election period(s) is complete.


Double Yellow Lines

Double yellow lines will be considered for introduction at the majority of junctions, or in areas where this may be required due to safety or access issues such as garage forecourts. 

Verge and Footway Prohibition Order (VFPO)

We also suggest to prohibit parking on public verges and footways throughout Sherrards area, where the carriageway is more than 4.5m wide. A VFPO also covers vehicle crossovers which form part of the public highway and where it is not owned by a property. It is a type of parking restriction to give powers to issue fines rather than a physical measure such as bollards.


  • Uplands/Monkswood area
  • Harwood Hill/Haymeads area
  • Knightsfield/Kirklands area
  • Pentley Park/Great Dell area

From all of these above areas we received significant feedback from which outweighed the initial survey data of a need for permits. 

We would now suggest not to introduce resident parking permits in these areas. We do understand some residents may feel disappointed at such a change, however, we do need to consider the majority of views which is now indicating no permit zones. We are unable to create mini zones to facilitate permits for a small number of properties (less than 10 for example) on the public highway.

We would of course look to continue to suggest a verge and footway prohibition and double yellow lines on all junctions.

We are looking at a plan of enhanced double yellow lines in Knightsfield in the "dipper" section to improve access along the road, as well as some tight bends within certain residential roads.

Sherrardspark Road/Roundwood Drive

These roads as well as Roundwood Drive, Reddings, Woodland Rise, Mandeville Rise have quite split views on introducing permits and not. Some comments raised to us indicated concerns of parking displacement if permits were introduced in Sherrardspark Road or Walden Road. 

We would suggest at this stage a Resident permit zone, and match it with the same days and times of Walden Road & Blakemere Road permit zone of Monday to Friday 9am - 3pm to consider tackling any possible displacement of vehicles. We would also consider double yellow lines on all junctions as well as verge and footway prohibition.

We do need residents from these roads to indicate to us in the feedback form if in favour of permits or not, so we can get a clear indication on the way forward.