Planning enforcement
In this section
How a breach of planning control is dealt with
How we investigate reports
We will investigate a report as soon as possible. We receive a high number of reports, and prioritise them using the categories outlined in the Summary document of our Planning Enforcement Plan.
We will assess what action, if any, is necessary. We will visit sites from public vantage points and only visit inside the site where officers judge that it may be dangerous or very harmful.
What action we will take against breaches
When action is required:
- we will try to resolve the matter by negotiation first rather than legal action, such as a retrospective planning application
- if there is no adverse affect on the character of the area, we will not take action simply to regularise a development.
If there is a significant detrimental impact on the character or amenity of an area:
- we may serve an enforcement notice
- we will only take action where necessary in the public interest.
Estate Management Scheme Enforcement
We will also enforce against breaches of the Estate Management Scheme. For more information visit the Estate Management Scheme Enforcement page.