Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document Consultation
In this section
Summary of chapters
Due to the technical nature of document we have provided a summary of each chapter below to make it easier to understand.
Chapter one
Introduction sets out the background and the council’s declared Climate Emergency. It also explains how the document will work, namely to identify three levels of measures: proposals “must”, proposals “should” and proposals “could”. These are – respectively - policy requirements, best practice and more ambitious measures, and efforts to go beyond policy requirements will be treated as a material consideration in the planning process.
Chapter two
Passive Design and Layout explains how the design of a building has numerous effects on the energy it consumes and its efficiency. It identifies measures which can be incorporated into the design to improve performance such as orientation, materials, layout and ventilation.
Chapter three
Energy Efficiency and Carbon explains how buildings consume energy through their operation and how this can be improved. The SPD covers and explains measures which can be taken including insulation, air tightness, sources of heat generation and energy efficient fixtures and fittings.
Chapter four
Water Use and Efficiency explains how water supplies are becoming scarcer across the East of England, somewhere classified as seriously water stressed. The SPD identifies measures to reduce water consumed both in construction and during use, and how rainwater and greywater can be captured and re-used.
Chapter five
Drainage and Flood. Climate Change is likely to lead to warmer and wetter winters and more intense storms which increase the likelihood and severity of flooding. The SPD sets out national and local policy on Flood Risk Assessment and measures which can mitigate risk including design, use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and the protection of existing water courses.
Chapter six
Active and Sustainable Travel. Transport is a key contributor to the UK’s and the borough’s carbon emissions. The SPD sets out measures to enable more use of active and sustainable travel measures including through design of developments, including high quality pedestrian and cycle provision and enabling access for public transport.
Chapter seven
Electric Vehicle Provision. The Government sees a shift to electric vehicles (EV’s) as a key part of the move away from fossil fuels. However, it is important that charging infrastructure be accessible to help this uptake. The SPD sets out national and local standards for provision of EV charging in new developments, both residential and commercial.
Chapter eight
Adaptation. Whilst much work, including the measures set out in the SPD, seeks to reduce carbon emissions, climate change is already being seen and it is important that developments and communities adapt to these changes as far as possible. The SPD sets out how adaptation and mitigation principles can be applied to ensure that the Borough is well equipped to respond to a changing climate.