We are committed to the key sites in the Borough identified in the draft Local Plan undergoing a Masterplanning process.
This will ensure that the development meets the needs of the Borough and results in well designed, high quality, sustainable and well-connected environments
A masterplan document:
- outlines principles and requirements for development
- sets a template for guiding development
- helps ensure sites are delivered in a comprehensive and well-planned manner
The masterplanning process involves working collaboratively with:
- other statutory authorities
- community representatives
- local interest groups
- and the landowner and/or site promoter
to develop a vision and strategy for or the development of the site.
Masterplans will be produced in accordance with the site specific requirements set out in the draft Local Plan and all other relevant Local Plan policies.
On 5 March 2024, Cabinet endorsed a supplementary planning guidance document, Approach to Masterplanning.
This provides further information on what is expected of masterplan documents.
North West Hatfield Supplementary Planning Document, Hatfield
Land south of Coopers Green Lane is identified in the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan for:
- approximately 1,750 new homes
- neighbourhood centres
- an employment area
- community facilities
- new schools
- associated transport infrastructure
- open space
- and sustainable urban drainage
A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) containing a masterplan has been prepared by the landowner Gascoyne Estates in collaboration with Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council.
This will ensure the area is planned comprehensively to create a new sustainable community.
Consultation on the draft plan will run from Friday 8 November to Friday 20 December 2024.
Birchall Garden Suburb, Welwyn Garden City
The Masterplan Framework for Birchall Garden Suburb was approved at the 5 September Cabinet meeting.
It will now become a material consideration for Development Management purposes.
View the Birchall Garden Suburb Masterplan
Land west of Brookmans Park Railway Station (site HS22)
The Strategic Framework for the Land west of Brookmans Park Railway Station (site HS22) was approved by the Executive Member for Planning on 26 November 2024 and will now become a material consideration for Development Management purposes.
View the Strategic Framework for Land west of Brookmans Park Railway Station