Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

An important objective of local and national planning policy is to achieve sustainable development.

Development is needed for growth but it also is more important than ever that it:

  •  uses less energy
  • uses less natural resources
  • and produces fewer emissions.

Our Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD):

  • sets out expectations about sustainability for development proposals in Welwyn Hatfield
  • provides more information on the sustainability measures required by our Local Plan 2016 – 2036 and secondary legislation
  • gives guidance on good sustainability practice for development that exceeds national and local policy and legislation
  • aims to encourage higher standards
  • can be used by both applicants and decision makers.

View our Sustainability SPD Adoption Statement.

Sustainability SPD SEA and HRA screening

European law requires all plans and programmes, which may have a significant effect on the environment, to have a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

The SEA aims to:

  • protect the environment
  • ensure the environment is considered during the preparation and adoption of plans and programmes
  • promote sustainable development.

Not all plans and programmes will require a SEA to be carried out.

How we decide if an SEA is required

We use a screening exercise to look at proposals and see if a significant environmental effect is likely.

This includes consulting three key statutory bodies for their view:

  • Historic England
  • Natural England
  • and the Environment Agency.

Determination and statement of reasons

We carried out a screening of the Sustainability SPD and determined that an SEA or a Habitats Regulation Assessment would not be required.

You can view copies of the determination and the statement of reasons online.

Alternatively you can view them in reception at our council offices, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL2 2AE.

You can also request a copy by email at, or telephone on 01707 357000. A charge will be made for hard copies.