Waste and recycling advice for students

What you need to know as a student about your waste a recycling responsibilities. 

If you leave waste behind at the end of your tenancy, or do not find a registered Waste Carrier to dispose of your waste correctly, you could be fined.


What you need to do every week

Get to know when your collection days are and check what goes in which bin.

You can check what can be recycled.

Food waste

You can put your food waste in our green caddy which gets collected each week.

Food waste fills up over a third of a household waste bin. As a result, most of it ends up in landfills, which release greenhouse gases such as methane.

We can all help the environment (and our pockets!) by enjoying our food and throwing it away as little as possible.

See more information about how we recycle food waste

See tips on how to reduce food waste


What you need to do at end of term time

Please ensure your bins are emptied at the end of term.

You must not leave wheelie bins over flowing. If you have excess waste this can be taken to a local recycling bank or centre.

Find your nearest recycling bank

Find your nearest local recycling centre (tip)


What to do at end of your tenancy

You must not leave waste behind when you move out at the end of your tenancy:

  • make sure wheelie bins are not overflowing
  • do not leave bags of waste or large items behind.

If you have excess waste this can be taken to a local recycling bank or centre.

Find your nearest recycling bank

Find your nearest local recycling centre (tip)


Large items

If you have large items such as furniture or excess bags of waste you can arrange for the collection of large rubbish items.

It is illegal for you or someone else on your behalf to dump these items elsewhere (fly tipping).

You could face a fixed penalty notice or an unlimited fine.

If you ask someone else to dispose of your waste you must make sure they are a registered Waste Carrier.

Find out more about what you can do to prevent fly-tipping