Leasehold Service Charge actual details


Information about service charge costs, the services provided and the methods used to calculate your charges.

What are Service Charges?

Service charges are your share of the cost of works, utilities and services provided by the Council, you for managing and maintaining the structure and communal areas of your block and/or estate. As a leaseholder the charges are due under the terms of your lease.

Each year your service charges are invoiced in advance on an estimated basis, calculated as our assessment of your share of the cost of works, utilities and services expected for the upcoming financial year.
Within 6 months of the end of the financial year (normally by the 30th of September) we calculate the actual cost of providing these works, utilities and services and the difference is either invoiced or credited to the home owner's service charge account.

What charges may I be required to pay as part of my service charge?

The following pages detail the services you may receive, what each service includes, and how we have calculated your charge.