Council housing maintenance

Gas and electrical safety

We take our health and safety responsibilities to tenants very seriously. We carry out regular checks to make sure our properties are safe to live in.

If you have any health and safety concerns about your home, please report them to us immediately.

Gas safety

Gas leaks

If you suspect a gas leak you should contact National Grid and report it as an emergency repair without delay. You should also:

  • open doors and windows to the outside
  • turn the gas off at the meter, unless the meter is located in the cellar/basement
  • avoid the use of any naked flames or electrical switches

Gas safety checks

We have a legal duty to carry out a gas safety check in every tenant's home each year. Gas safety checks and all gas maintenance services are carried out by Aaron Services and PH Jones. All of the engineers carrying our gas related maintenance and safety checks are Gas Safe Registered.

You must allow the engineer into your home to carry out essential safety checks and repairs. Failure to do so is a breach of your tenancy agreement and can result in legal action being taken against your tenancy. If legal action is taken against your tenancy you could face costs of up to £1000.

Although it is our responsibility to make sure that all the gas appliances in your home are safe, there are things you can do to help.

  1. Make sure you have your annual check carried out. We write to tenants every year offering an appointment for this essential check.
  2. Always ask to see identification when an engineer or council officer visits your home. 
  3. Never use a gas appliance that you know or think may be faulty. If you suspect there is a problem call the Housing Maintenance Team on 0800 111 4484 immediately.

Quality control checks

Working in partnership with Aaron Services and PH Jones, Phoenix Compliancy Management (PCM) carry out quality control checks following our gas repairs, installations and services. These checks ensure that the work is carried out to a good standard and meets health and safety regulations.  

Installing gas appliances

Please ensure that you ask our permission before any gas appliances are installed in your home and that they are fitted by a Gas Safe registered engineer. All of the gas appliances you own must be regularly maintained and checked by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

Carbon monoxide dectectors

We fit carbon monoxide detectors in all council homes and check them each year as part of our annual gas safety check. Detectors are fitted free of charge, contact the Housing Repairs and Maintence Team immediately if you do not have one installed.

Toxic carbon monoxide is produced when gas doesn't burn properly. You can't see, smell or taste it. Look out for stains, soot or discolouration around the top of a gas water heater or boiler, or a yellow or orange flame. Gas appliances should have a stable blue flame.

You can reduce your risk of harm by making sure all of your appliances are properly serviced and maintained. Early physical symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include tiredness, sickness and pains in the chest.

You should seek medical advice from your local GP if you think you have been exposed to carbon monoxide. If you have been exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide, please go to your local accident and emergency (A&E) department.

Electric safety

Electrical safety testing is carried out on the wiring installations of all our properties once every five years.

Contact the Housing Repairs and Maintenance Team

Address: Council Offices
The Campus
Welwyn Garden City

Telephone: 01707 357 000