Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy


This strategy sets out the Council’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) strategy and applies to all employees, Councillors, contractors, consultants and partners of the Council.

Effective Date:

December 2023

Review Date:

December 2026 


Human Resources & Organisational Development Manager

Policy Owned by:

Executive Director (Finance and Transformation)


Equality Act 2010

Local Government: Framework (2016)

Government Equalities Office Guidance (2015)


1.1    This strategy provides a framework for the Council in relation to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.  Inclusion is relevant to everyone; allowing everyone to access services and feel part of the Borough. Inclusion gives diversity impact, where all residents and council employees are empowered to thrive.

1.2   We are committed to providing equality of opportunity for everyone we provide services to, to the people we employ and whom we do business with.

1.3   We value the wide diversity of our communities and the benefits this brings.  We will always consider this when providing services to the public, working with partners and in our role as an employer.

1.4   This strategy provides a framework for ensuring that we live this commitment in everything we do, whilst complying with our statutory duties under relevant Equalities Legislation and Codes of Practice.