Validation Checklist - National Requirements
In this section
Application Form and Site Location Plan
Note: one copy only for ALL applications whether submitted electronically or paper.
1a. Application Form
Required for all applications
Guidance on how to fill out these forms can be found at the Planning Portal website.
1b. Site Location Plan
Required for all applications, except non material amendments and submission of details when it clear from the application which development the proposal relates to:
A site location plan at a scale of either 1:1250 or 1:2500 which identifies the site and the surrounding area and shows at least two roads and the north point. In exceptional circumstances plans of other scales may also be required. The site should be outlined in red and any other land owned by the applicant in blue. It should include land necessary to carry out the proposed development (e.g. land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, car parking and open areas around buildings.
Applications which have been submitted with unlicensed Ordnance Survey mapping will be accepted although any possible infringement with copyright laws will be identified to the agent, or applicant where there is not agent.
Site location (1:1250 and 1:2500) and block plans (1:500) may be obtained from the Planning Portal website or from Land Registry by calling 0844 8921111.
Policy Driver and where to get more advice:
• Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
• Planning Practice Guidance