Validation Checklist - National Requirements
In this section
Format of Submissions
1h. Format of Submissions
Requested for those not submitted in full through the Planning Portal.
It is requested, when an application and associated plans and documents are not submitted through the Planning Portal that the application should be submitted in the form of 1 hard copy of all plans and documents and 1 electronic copy on CD. Information on the CD shall be divided into 3 folders of information/documentation as follows:
A. Application form, covering letter, design & access statement and planning statement
B. All plans
C. All other relevant documents
- No bigger than 10Mb (applies to each and all documents/files),
- No signatures on any document (or if they do have to be included only on one page). Initials are acceptable.
- No vehicle registration plates and no children in the images. If either is included, they should be redacted.
Where information is submitted both in paper and on CD, please ensure that the information on both correspond with one another. Please ensure that files are not security locked. Please label each document with a clear description as to its contents.