Gambling policy Part A


7.1 This document sets out the policies that the Council will apply when making decisions upon applications or notifications made for: -

  • Premises Licences
  • Temporary Use Notices;
  • Permits as required under the Act
  • Registrations as required under the Act

7.2 This policy relates to all those licensable premises, notices, permits and registrations identified as falling within the provisions of the Act, namely: -

  • Casinos;
  • Bingo premises
  • Betting premises
  • Tracks
  • Adult Gaming Centres;
  • Family Entertainment Centres
  • Club gaming permits
  • Prize Gaming and Prize Gaming Permits
  • Temporary Use Notices;
  • Registration of small society lotteries

7.3 When determining an application for a premises licence, the Council cannot take into account “irrelevant matters” such as the likelihood of the applicant obtaining planning permission or building control approval, or the expected demand for facilities.

An applicant can apply for a “provisional statement” if the building is not complete or if he does not yet have a right to occupy it. Such an application is, however, a separate and distinct process to the granting of planning permission or building control approval.