Whistleblowing policy

Policy Statement

3.1 The council is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, transparency, integrity and accountability. In line with that commitment, the council encourages anyone with concerns about wrongdoing in relation to any aspect of the council’s activities to come forward and voice concerns without fear of reprisal.

3.2 The following form the key principles of the council’s policy on Whistleblowing:

  • the Monitoring Officer shall be responsible for maintaining, and approving updates to, the Whistleblowing Procedure and Guidance. This shall set out the steps an employee should follow, and how the council manages whistleblowing;
  • the council will make the policy as well as the Procedures and Guidance  readily available to staff on its intranet;
  • all genuine concerns will be handled responsibly, professionally, with the appropriate level of confidentiality and in a positive manner;
  • the council will ensure that PIDA 1998 is adhered to in relation to legal protection for employees;
  • employees are encouraged to raise any concerns they may have about wrongdoing immediately;
  • the council will not tolerate the harrassment or victimisation of employees that raise a concern. If proven, appropriate action will be taken against those responsible; and,
  • help and support will be available to employees where concerns are raised under the relevant whistleblowing and raising a concern procedure.