Council housing priority bands
In this section
Band A: Urgent need to move
You are classed as band A priority if:
- you have been assessed as having an Urgent Medical Priority that is seriously affected by your current housing and would be helped with a change of housing
- you have exceptional social circumstances that are seriously affected by your current housing and would be helped with a change of housing (including if you are in immediate danger)
- your are a council tenant who needs to move because your home is about to be demolished or redeveloped (subject to time limit)
- you are a council (or Registered Provider) tenant with three or more bedrooms (which you don't occupy) and you will free up two or more bedrooms by moving
- you have inherited your council home (successor to a council tenancy) and need to move (subject to time limit) because the property is not suitable
- you have inherited your council home (successor to a council tenancy) but the Senior Officer Panel has agreed to make you an offer of accommodation
- you are in a property subject to a compulsory purchase order we have a statutory duty to move you
- you are living in a property classed as statutorily overcrowded.