Have been assessed as High Medical Priority. The applicant’s current accommodation will be deemed as not appropriate for their medical needs.
A household that lacks two bedrooms or more.
A household who has been deemed to have high social circumstances that are affected by current housing and would be helped with a change of housing.
A household with no security of tenure with dependent child (or children), which needs to share facilities within their accommodation.
A household that has received a valid Notice to Quit from their current landlord to whom WHBC would owe a main duty when homeless.
A WHBC tenant living in an adapted property where those adaptations are no longer required but could be used by another resident with such a need.
A tenant of WHBC or a local RP (that WHBC nominates to) who has held a tenancy in bedsit accommodation for at least one year and is seeking a one bedroom flat.
A tenant of WHBC or a local RP (that WHBC nominates to) where a parent has to share a bedroom with a child.