Anti-social behaviour strategy
In this section
National Context
The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 streamlined nineteen ASB tools into 6 more effective powers and also placed a greater focus on the impact of ASB on victims and their needs.
It also introduced the use of positive requirements to compliment the use of prohibitions. Whilst WHBC have been using many of these powers such as the civil injunction and community protection notices, this strategy informs how we will be using the Public Spaces Protection Order and Closure Orders to tackle high impact ASB and crime from drug and alcohol misuse.
The ASB Strategy also pays regard to the Respect Charter for Housing, which is an outcome focussed framework for landlords and a standard that we will seek to become signatories of during the timeframe of implementing this Strategy.
The Crime and Policing Act 1998 places a statutory duty on councils to work with the Police and other agencies to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. The council does this via the Community Safety Partnership.