Anti-social behaviour strategy
In this section
Commitment Three
Maintain effective partnership responses and information sharing to combat county lines, cuckooing and associated serious violence and criminality within the CSP.
Effective Partnership working is an integral part of our ASB Strategy as well as a statutory requirement under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. The Community Safety Action Plan provides a robust partnership response encompassing a range of initiatives to engage, educate, communicate and support our communities. We will;
- Continue to be an active member of various partnership arrangements such as; Community Safety Partnership (CSP), Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC).
- Host and chair the ASB Forum to action plan hot spot areas and discuss high level cases of ASB and crime and police priorities.
- Conduct joint proactive patrols to increase reassurance and public perception.
- Maintain multi-agency safeguarding information sharing arrangements where appropriate.
- Develop relationships with statutory, non-statutory and voluntary sectors to enhance partnership working and create opportunities and improve outcomes for the residents of WHBC.