Community engagement strategy

Types of Community Engagement

4.1    The council engages with the community in the following ways at different levels:

  Inform - providing information Consult - offering options, deciding together or using feedback to improve services Empower - support independent community action Collaborate - forming partnerships with the community to put decisions into practice
What this is We provide stakeholders with information about Council services and keep them informed. We engage and consult with the community through surveys and formal consultation. This feedback will be used to make decisions on service changes and service improvements. We support the community to take action and make positive changes in their community. We work collaboratively with our community, forming meaningful partnerships to make a positive difference.
How we do this •    Accessible Council websites
•    Social media pages that are regularly updated with council news and events
•    Regular Press Releases promoting council news and events
•    Residents’ Magazine
•    Tenant Newsletter
•    Business Newsletter
•    Staff Newsletter
•    Project Newsletters
•    Publish key decisions in advance of them being made
•    Promote partners and partner events, as appropriate.
•    Statutory consultation e.g. planning, parking.
•    Survey on new strategies/service changes
•    Regular Staff survey
•    Conduct borough-wide survey every three years
•    Offer satisfaction survey as part of complaints process
•    Undertake rolling tenant satisfaction surveys
•    Improving self -serve so our community can contact us and access services more easily
•    Support network of volunteers working across the council
•    Sign post to funding and grant opportunities and other resources
•    Linking individuals and community groups with shared goals
•    Residents panel for tenants
•    Youth Council
•    Community Safety Partnership
•    Creating effective partnerships with stakeholders.