Community engagement strategy
In this section
Our Community Engagement Commitments
5.1 Our commitments to drive community engagement are:
More effective communication
• Offer information in clear language and different formats
• Ensure information of the Council website is useful, clear and easy to navigate
• Engage our communities through a range of communication channels
• Provide regular opportunities for feedback
• Share updates on our service and performance
• Be open and transparent
Partnership working to influence and improve services
• Create a culture where stakeholders are actively encouraged to be involved in scrutinising, shaping and feeding back on services, helping to improve customer satisfaction.
• Consult with stakeholders, ensuring worthwhile conversations and feedback on results.
• Provide a simple, accessible and defined complaints process and using feedback to shape future service delivery.
• Demonstrate the results and impact of stakeholder involvement.
Widen participation
• Create inclusive involvement opportunities to suit different needs and interest.
• Ensure all residents who want to, have the opportunity to engage with us and actively seek to reach those communities and individuals who do not engage with us.
• Identify a wide-ranging stakeholder group.
• Raise awareness of our stakeholder involvement activities.
• Support resident groups and partner organisations.
• Continue to consider what may prevent stakeholders from engaging with us and how these can be overcome.
• Improve the digital offering to widen our audience and access to services.
Celebrate our thriving communities
• Work with partner organisations to strengthen our communities.
• Support residents and business to take pride in where they live.
• Celebrate our successes with our community.
• Consider our stakeholders at the heart of decision making.
Ensure our engagement meets our standards
• Review achievements against this strategy every year.
• Make surveys and consultations clear and easy to access.
• Provide clear governance and terms of reference for the different engagement groups, as required.
• Treat all customers with fairness and respect, ensuing we understand their different needs.
• Continue to be inclusive and representative.