Anti-fraud and corruption policy

Appendix C - Fraud Response Plan

1 - Identification / Notification

1.1 In the event of a fraud being discovered or suspected, the matter should be reported to the Shared Anti-Fraud Service on 0300 123 4033 or

1.2 Fraud can also be reported to us online at Shared Anti-Fraud Service.

1.3 The Council relies on its employees, its agencies and the public to help prevent and detect fraud and corruption. Often employees are the first to realise there is something seriously wrong internally, as they are in positions to be able to spot any possible cases of fraud or corruption at an early stage.

1.4 Council employees, workers and Members must report any concerns they may have regarding fraud, bribery and corruption, whether it relates to dishonest behaviours by council employees, Members or by others.

1.5 The action taken when a suspected case of fraud, bribery, or corruption is first found might be vital to the success of any investigation that follows, so it is important that employees’ actions are in line with the information given in this document. Members, service users, suppliers, partner organisations and members of the public are encouraged to report concerns about fraud and corruption.

1.6 Whilst you can remain anonymous, it does help if your details are provided as concerns expressed anonymously are often much more difficult to investigate. For example, we may need to contact you to obtain further information or verify the information supplied.

2 - Investigation Process

2.1 Any suspicion of fraud or corruption will be treated seriously and will be investigated in accordance with statutory provisions and local protocols to ensure any actions are carried out both fairly and lawfully.

2.2 Suspected fraud and corruption will be investigated in an independent, open-minded and professional manner with the aim of protecting the interests of the Council, the person reporting suspected fraud and the suspected individual(s).

2.3 Where necessary the Council (and the Shared Anti-fraud Service) will work in co-operation with other organisations such as the Police, Department for Work and Pensions, Home Office, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, UK Borders Agency, NHS Counter Fraud Authority and other Local Authorities.

2.4 If sufficient evidence is established, the case will be reviewed to decide on the appropriate course of action to be taken. The Council’s corporate enforcement policy provides further guidance of what appropriate action will be taken against the persons concerned.

3 - Confidentiality

3.1 Details of any investigation are strictly confidential and will not be discussed with anyone other than the relevant management representatives. The details of the person reporting the fraud will remain confidential unless the reporting person(s) advises the investigating officer that they are happy for their details to be shared, or where there are legal requirements to disclose (such as with disclosure to the police).

3.2 If the media becomes aware of an investigation and attempts to contact employees or Members, no disclosure of the alleged fraud and investigation can be given. All matters relating to statements to the media will be dealt with through the Council’s communications team.