Anti-fraud and corruption policy

Appendix A - Roles and Responsibilities

Stakeholder Responsibilities
Chief Executive Accountable for the effectiveness of the council’s arrangements for countering fraud and corruption.

Assistant Director (Legal and Governance)

 (Monitoring Officer)

Statutory responsibility to ensure that the council operates within the law.

Overall responsibility for the Members Code of Conduct and the maintenance and operation of the Whistleblowing Procedure.

Section 151 Officer

To ensure the council has adopted and implemented an appropriate Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy/Strategy.

To ensure that the council has an adequately resourced and effective Internal Audit service to support “counter fraud” activity.

Audit Committee To monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the arrangements in place for combating fraud and corruption.

To comply with the Members Code of Conduct and related council policies and procedures.

To be aware of the possibility of fraud, corruption, bribery and theft, and to report any genuine concerns accordingly.

External Audit Statutory duty to ensure that the Council has adequate arrangements in place for the prevention and detection of fraud, corruption, bribery and theft.
Directors, Assistant Directors, Service Managers

To promote staff awareness and ensure that all suspected or reported irregularities are immediately reported or referred as per the council’s whistleblowing procedure (whistleblowing).

To ensure that there are mechanisms in place within their service areas to assess the risk of fraud, corruption, bribery and theft and to reduce these risks by implementing strong internal controls.


To comply with council policies and procedures.

To be aware of the possibility of fraud, corruption and bribery, and to report any genuine concerns to management or via the Whistleblowing procedure

Public, Service Users, Partners, Suppliers, Contractors and Consultants To report any genuine concerns / suspicions in accordance with the council’s reporting procedure.