Anti-fraud and corruption policy

Key Principles

3.1 The Council is committed to the prevention and detection of fraud and corruption, whether from within or outside the organisation and accordingly the aims of this document are to:

  • Raise awareness of fraud and corruption and their impact on our resources and services:
  • Provide a consistent framework for managers and Members, which enables effective deterrence, prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and corruption;
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of employees, Members and others with regard to fraud and corruption (Appendix A);
  • Create and promote an anti-fraud culture of openness and honesty;
  • Create an environment that enables the reporting of any genuine suspicions of fraudulent activity. However, we will not tolerate malicious or vexatious allegations or those motivated by personal gain and, if proven, we may take disciplinary or legal action;
  • Ensure we provide a consistent and proportionate response to all cases of fraud and corruption, including tenancy fraud;
  • Assist the Council’s Section 151 Officer under the Local Government Act 1972 and the Assistant Director (Legal and Governance), in their role as Monitoring Officer under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,  in fulfilling their roles; and
  • Protect the Council’s resources (for example our funds and assets) and services (for example preventing the misuse of our housing stock and allocations);

3.2 The strategy is based upon four key themes: Govern, Acknowledge, Prevent and Pursue (Appendix B). It adheres to the CIFAS publication “Fighting Fraud and Corruption Locally Strategy 2020” which was published in March 2020.