Validation Checklist - List 1
In this section
Cycle Parking and Daylight Assessment
3j Cycle Parking
Required for all new build and change of use.
Details of proposed cycle parking including a plan to scale showing location; numbers of stands, elevations of proposed cycle covers and materials to be used.
Policy Driver and where to get more advice: Policy M6 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005 and Supplementary Planning Guidance Parking Standards Adopted January 2004. Policies SADM3, SP9 and SP13 of the Draft Local Plan Proposed Submission, August 2016. National Planning Policy Framework, Section 4.
3k Daylight and Sunlight Assessment
Required for major applications where there is a potential adverse impact upon thebcurrent levels of sunlight/daylight enjoyed by adjoining properties or buildings, including associated gardens or amenity space.
Applications where the application site itself is subject to potential adverse impact from adjoining buildings or features or where one part of the development is affectedby another part of the same development.
A daylight, vertical sky component, sunlight availability and shadow study should benundertaken and assessed against the criteria set out in the BRE document.
The information included should be sufficient to determine:
• the existing and expected levels of daylight, sunlight and overshadowing on neighbouring properties
The measures that will be taken to mitigate against the expected impact of the proposed development.
Policy Driver and where to get more advice: Policy D1 of the Welwyn Hatfield District Plan 2005. Supplementary Design Guidance, February 2005. Policies SP9, SP10, SADM11 and SADM12 of the Draft Local Plan Proposed Submission, August 2016. National Planning Policy Framework, Section 9. Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight “A guide to good practice” (BRE) 2011.