Validation Checklist - List 1
In this section
Retail Assessment and Schedule of Works
3y Retail Assessment
Required for Retail Impact Assessments are required for any application for a main town centre use (or an extension to a use) which would be in an edge-of-centre or out-of-centre location and which is not in accordance with an up-to-date development plan.
The requirements for an assessment are set out at paragraph 26 of the National Planning Policy Framework. An assessment should include the need for development, whether it is of an appropriate scale, whether there are any sites closer to a centre for the development, whether there are any unacceptable impacts on existing centres and whether the location is accessible.
Policy Driver and where to get more advice: Policies SP5, SP16 and SP20 of the Draft Local Plan Proposed Submission, August 2016. National Planning Policy Framework, Section 2.
3z Schedule of Works
Required for structural alterations to a listed building or demolition of a listed building or other heritage asset.
Where you are proposing to remove any part of the building/heritage asset including ceilings, partitions, fixtures and fittings, indicate the location, extent and character of the items to be removed on the existing elevations, plans and sections and cross referenced to a schedule of works.
If major repair works are proposed provide a supplementary schedule of works and method statement which explains the principles for the proposal.
Structural plans are required when demolition of a designated heritage asset is proposed on the grounds it is structurally unsound.
The schedule of works is required in addition to the requirements detailed under ‘Heritage Statement’.
Policy Driver and where to get more advice: National Planning Policy Framework.