Validation Checklist - List 1
In this section
Landscape Strategy
Required for all applications, the amount/level of information will vary depending upon the scale of the development as well as its location.
All development proposals should be considered in terms of their landscape / urban context, to ensure that the best possible design solution, responding to the local character, delivering a high quality living environment is achieved.
The type and depth of information required for each development proposal will vary according to the landscape and visual effects of the development, and their significance. In some cases it may be necessary to engage with a landscape professional, with the relevant skills and expertise to consider landscape and visual issues.
A Landscape Strategy should include:
• a landscape statement to demonstrate an understanding of how the proposed development will conserve and enhance local character;
• a site survey and analysis to include information on levels/geology and soils/drainage /ecology/existing vegetation and trees/access and circulation/services/views into, within and out of site/site boundaries/important site features/ any other environmental constraints and opportunities;
• a tree survey / tree protection plan / arboricultural method statement, trees should be considered in line with BS 5837:2012 ‘trees in relation to design, demolition and construction recommendations’;
• for developments that would affect the setting of a designated heritage asset, how this would be preserved and/or enhanced
• a Landscape Masterplan to show:
- general arrangement of hard and soft landscape, to include new planting and trees, boundary treatments and lighting etc.
- landscape details (with reference to all relevant British Standards) including hard surfacing material;
- levels (to include cross sections);
- specifications;
- construction details;
- planting plan and schedule (including species, tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities); and
- management schedule.
Policy Driver and where to get more advice:
Guidance on hiring a landscape professional can be found on the Landscape Institute website. National Planning Policy Framework, Section 11.