Validation Checklist - List 1
In this section
Existing and proposed elevations
2c. Existing and proposed elevations
Required for all applications involving building work, alterations to buildings or display of advertisements.
All plans to be drawn at a minimum scale of 1:50, or 1:100. Plans should be proportionate to the nature and size of the proposal, correctly titled, with individual drawing numbers on each plan, show paper size and annotated with either dimensions or with a scale bar (horizontally and vertically) and not having ‘Do Not Scale’ or equivalent. All sides of the proposal must be shown and these should indicate, where possible, the proposed building materials and the style, materials and finish of windows and doors. Blank elevations must also be included, if only to show that this is in fact the case.
They should show clearly the proposed works in relation to what is already there, highlighting any structures to be demolished, and the relationship to neighbouring buildings.
Where a proposed elevation adjoins another building or is in close proximity, the drawings should clearly show the relationship between the buildings, and detail the positions of the openings on each property.
It is requested that existing and proposed elevations are provided in the same orientation.
If your application is for a change of use and no change is proposed to the external elevations a statement must be included to state that no external changes are proposed.