Vulnerable person and reasonable adjustments policy

Reasonable adjustments

7.1    We make a commitment to always communicate in plain English and will record a customer’s preferred communication method and ensure we communicate clearly through this channel.
7.2    We will use reasonable adjustments to ensure residents with a disability or vulnerability are not disadvantaged when accessing our services.
7.3    Reasonable adjustments will be determined by how effective it will be in preventing any disadvantage, the practicality of the adjustment and the costs of making the adjustment.
7.4    Reasonable adjustments will also depend on the individual customer’s need and therefore there is no definitive list; however, some examples include:

7.4.1    Providing information in different formats (e.g. large print).
7.4.2    Arranging for translation or sign language services.
7.4.3    Communication through a representative or intermediary.
7.4.4    Asking the resident to tell us how they want us to resolve their complaint.
7.4.5    Offering support to access services e.g. assisted waste collection.
7.4.6    Delivering some services to tenants e.g. assisted gardening (grass and hedge cutting).
7.4.7    Allocating some repair cases as an emergency, depending on the need of the tenant.
7.4.8    Asking contractors to carry out works outside our normal working hours, or spread over more visits, if necessary due to a resident's health condition.